Nefer Quality Policy

The company “Nefer,” with its knowledge and experience in the field, can and does lead in its sector.

Through the harmonious cooperation of all involved parties (management, staff, partners, suppliers, but primarily its customers), it ensures the successful completion of its work

To achieve the above, Nefer’s Management:

  • Has adopted a Quality Management System in accordance with the International Standard ISO 9001:2015, which is implemented throughout the company and in all activities impacting the quality of its products and services and customer satisfaction.
  • Has adopted and applies a special standard for the provision of cosmetic aesthetic services to ensure the high quality of services provided to its customers.
  • Continuously reviews and improves the characteristics of its products and services where feasible, as well as the effectiveness of its Processes and, by extension, the entire Quality Management System.
  • Sets measurable objective goals for quality at the corporate level, at the operational level of Departments and/or Processes, and concerning products and services. These goals are established and evaluated for their achievement within the framework of the Quality Management System Review by the company’s Management.
    Invests in the continuous training, updating, and education of its executives to produce Quality in every activity.
  • Monitors, measures, and evaluates critical parameters and processes to ensure quality.
  • The company is committed to adhering to and implementing legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Nefer aspires to broader cooperation, as what it can guarantee is QUALITY in every transaction.

Nefer's Policy on Customer Attendance

Nefer respects your valuable time as well as that of our other customers. For this reason, we kindly ask you to:

  • Arrive exactly at the scheduled time of your appointment (ideally 5 minutes earlier). This way, neither you nor our subsequent customers will have to wait.
  • In case of delay, your appointment may be canceled. This will be determined by the aesthetician serving you, as Nefer provides high-quality services and aims to offer you a complete experience safely.
  • Notification of cancellation must be made at least 3-6 hours in advance.

This allows Nefer to fill the gap in the schedule that would result from your absence with a new customer.

If the notice is given 0-3 hours before the appointment, it is considered a no-show.

  • After 3 consecutive or non-notified no-shows, to schedule your next appointment, you must prepay 50% of the desired service.

The payment must be made at least 48 hours before your appointment for it to be valid.

Payment can be made via bank transfer or Vivawallet.

For scheduling your appointment, payment details, and amount, you must first contact us by phone.

In case of a no-show at the predetermined appointment time, there will be no refund.

  • To receive our services on the day, time, and with the aesthetician you prefer, we recommend booking appointments in advance (1-2 weeks earlier). Especially during high season periods (Christmas, Easter, Summer), appointments are limited.
  • Your session starts exactly at the time agreed upon when scheduling your appointment, not approximately.